Recommender Advanced Configuration

Some advanced configurations for the Marfeel Recommender are not available through dedicated UI components and must be specified in the Advanced text field.

These options include offsetting recommendations, promoting specific attributes, ignoring attributes, and skipping content curations.

Usage of Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings are encoded as query parameters. They always have the form of key=value, or key=value1,value2,... in cases of multiple values. They can be combined by placing & symbols between them, for example:


Ignore Values in Filters of Type Same

In some cases, you might have sections that are too broad (e.g., “News”), and you may not want the recommender to consider them when filtering by Same value. You can configure this by using the ignore_filter_{{dimension}} parameter.

Available Dimensions:

  • sections
  • authors
  • topics
  • tags

To Configure:

  • Set ignore_filter_{{dimension}}=value1,value2,...
  • Replace {{dimension}} with the appropriate dimension (e.g., sections).
  • Replace value1,value2,... with the Marfeel IDs of the attributes you want to ignore.

Obtaining Marfeel IDs:

  • Visit the resource in the Compass view and copy the ID from the browser’s URL.

If you want the recommender to ignore the section with ID 135 when filtering by Same section:


This means that for an article with sections 135 and 124, and with a content restriction of section=same, the recommender will only filter by section 124 and not include articles that only have section 135.

Disable Autofill

When the feed doesn’t get enough articles to recommend due to strict filtering Marfeel removes all filters to fill the remaining slots to a maximum of 5 articles, this way we prevent empty or broken layouts on your content.

With this flag it disables the feature so you can decide the best behaviour for your site, for example, by configuring a multifeed experience and having another specific feed as backup


Custom ranking signal factors

Each recommender engine is a combination of different factors for each ranking signal. You can tweak and modify them until you’ve created your own engine by using Custom ranking signal factors.

Soft restrictions: Promoting and Demoting

Sometimes we might want to show more or less about a specific category or author in order to increase content diversity. Adding a hard restriction would not achieve that, but there’s the possibility to promote or demote content based on their properties using advanced configuration.

It can be configured by setting rank_{{dimension}}={{value1}},{{factor1}},{{value2}},{{factor2}},.... For instance, setting this:


Will multiply the relevance of articles in section 123 by 2, in section 456 by 0.8, and for the ones about topic 789 their relevance will be multiplied by 1.2. These are cumulative: the relevance of an article meeting all three specified conditions will be multiplied by 2 x 0.8 x 1.2 = 1.92.

Include Previously Read Articles

When on Marfeel Recommender’s Advanced plan, the system takes into account which articles the user has already read right from the start and excludes them directly during the query.

In case this is not the desired behavior, adding red=0 to the advanced configuration box will override it, including articles even after they have been read.


Offset parameter allows skipping first N results from recommendations, also skipping Content Curations.
It can be configured by setting offset=N in Advanced text field, where N is the number of articles to be skipped.