Dimensions Glossary list

Dimensions offer a different perspective by categorizing and organizing data into meaningful segments. They provide context and enable you to slice and dice your analytics data based on different attributes, like user segments, geolocation, devices, traffic sources, and content categories. By harnessing the power of dimensions, you can gain valuable insights into the specific characteristics and behaviors of different audience segments.

Find below the included Dimensions in each Marfeel 2024 plan.


Dimension Free Basic Pro Enterprise
Page technology
Original URL - - -
RFV recency - - -
RFV frequency - - -
RFV value - - -


Dimension Free Basic Pro Enterprise
Device category
User journey -
Custom user journey - -
Traffic campaign - -
Traffic campaign with internal - -
Traffic medium
Traffic medium with internal
Traffic source
Traffic source with internal
Visitor loyalty -
Consent Choice - - -
OS - - -
Browser - - -
Browser version - - -
Traffic term - - -
Traffic content - - -

Geo Network

Dimension Free Basic Pro Enterprise
City - - -
Region - - -
Subregion - - -
Continent - - -
Network Domain (ASN) - - -


Dimension Free Basic Pro Enterprise
Visibility - -
Content Type -
Article publish date -
Article publish time - -
Article last update date - -
Days since last update - -
Author - -
HTML language - -
Page title
Has affiliation - -
Weekday - -
Closed pages - - -

Tag Groups

Dimension Free Basic Pro Enterprise
Keyword - -
Custom taxonomies Up to 10 Up to 10 Unlimited Unlimited

Content Metrics

Dimension Free Basic Pro Enterprise
Number of sentences - -
Number of syllables - -
Number of words - -
Flesch Index - -
H1 length - -
Heading distribution - -
Image count - -
List count - -
Video count - -
Topic category - -


Dimension Free Basic Pro Enterprise
Ad type - -


Dimension Free Basic Pro Enterprise
Media title -
Media Provider -
Media publish time -
Media authors -
Has media -
Has audio -
Has video -
Is live - -


Dimension Free Basic Pro Enterprise
Social network -
Social account name -
Social account owner -
Has social -

Google Search Console

Dimension Free Basic Pro Enterprise
Search Type
Search keyword


Dimension Free Basic Pro Enterprise
Affiliation product id - - Add-on Add-on
Affiliation product name - - Add-on Add-on
Affiliation account - - Add-on Add-on

Custom Vars

Dimension Free Basic Pro Enterprise
Page var - - -
Session var - - -
User var - - -
User Segments - - -

Content Taxonomies

Dimension Free Basic Pro Enterprise
IAB Category - - - Add-on
IAB Top-level Category - - - Add-on
IAB Down-level Category - - - Add-on
Article sentiment - - - Add-on


Dimension Free Basic Pro Enterprise
Topic - -
Topic description - -
AdministrativeArea - -
Airline - -
Airport - -
AmusementPark - -
Aquarium - -
Article - -
AutoDealer - -
BarOrPub - -
Blog - -
BlogPosting - -
BodyOfWater - -
Book - -
BookSeries - -
Brand - -
Bridge - -
BroadcastChannel - -
BroadcastEvent - -
BroadcastService - -
BusStation - -
CableOrSatelliteProvider - -
Car - -
Casino - -
Cemetery - -
City - -
CivicStructure - -
CollegeOrUniversity - -
Continent - -
Corporation - -
Country - -
CreativeWork - -
DefenceEstablishment - -
Diet - -
EducationalOrganization - -
Event - -
EventVenue - -
Game - -
GovernmentBuilding - -
GovernmentOrganization - -
GovernmentPermit - -
GovernmentService - -
HealthAndBeautyBusiness - -
Hospital - -
ImageObject - -
InsuranceAgency - -
ItemList - -
LakeBodyOfWater - -
LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings - -
Library - -
LocalBusiness - -
LodgingBusiness - -
MediaObject - -
MobileApplication - -
Mountain - -
Movie - -
MovieSeries - -
MovieTheater - -
Museum - -
MusicAlbum - -
MusicComposition - -
MusicGroup - -
MusicRecording - -
MusicVenue - -
NGO - -
No Topic Category - -
Offer - -
Organization - -
Park - -
Periodical - -
Person - -
Place - -
PlaceOfWorship - -
Product - -
ProductModel - -
ProgramMembership - -
RadioEpisode - -
RadioSeries - -
RadioStation - -
Restaurant - -
RiverBodyOfWater - -
School - -
SingleFamilyResidence - -
SoftwareApplication - -
SportsActivityLocation - -
SportsOrganization - -
SportsTeam - -
StadiumOrArena - -
TelevisionChannel - -
TheaterGroup - -
Thing - -
TouristAttraction - -
TVEpisode - -
TVSeason - -
TVSeries - -
Unknown - -
VideoGame - -
VideoGameSeries - -
VisualArtwork - -
Volcano - -
Waterfall - -
WebPage - -


Dimension Free Basic Pro Enterprise
Customer Loyalty - -
Brand - -
Product - -
Product category - -
Product price - -
Product stock - -
SKU - -
Product ID - -
Product - -
Brand - -
RFM recency - -
RFM frequency - -
RFM monetary - -


Dimension Free Basic Pro Enterprise
Origin Section - -
Destination Section - -
Origin Author - -
Destination Author - -
Origin Topic - -
Destination Topic - -
Origin URL - -
Destination URL - -
Origin Title - -
Destination Title - -
Origin Host - -
Destination Host - -
Origin Content Type - -
Destination Content Type - -
Module Name - -
Module Position - -
Module Type - -
Device Category - -
Page Technology - -
User Journey - -
Visitor Loyalty - -
Traffic Medium - -
Origin Tag - -
Destination Tag - -
Origin Tag Group - -
Destination Tag Group - -