Social Monitoring updates: Instagram monitoring & create your own boards

We’re introducing two new features within Marfeel Monitoring: Instagram monitoring and the ability for users to create their own Social monitoring boards.

Instagram Monitoring

Going forward, users will be able to view content from Instagram accounts with all the relevant engagement metrics and the ability to filter by post type and topic. Instagram accounts will now feature in some of Marfeel’s pre-configured monitoring boards, and users will be able to add them to the custom boards they create.

Find out more about Instagram monitoring here.

Create your own custom monitoring boards

Users will now be able to create their own custom social monitoring boards, selecting the specific accounts they would like to follow. This will allow very precise tracking of specific activity and accounts on social media. These boards can include both Instagram and Facebook accounts at the same time, or be segmented by channel.

Find out more about creating your own social monitoring boards here.