Sitemap audits documentation

News sitemap exceeds 1000 elements

Code: sitemap_loc_size
A news sitemap may have up to 1,000 news:news tags. If there are more than 1,000 <news:news> tags in a news sitemap, split your sitemap into several smaller sitemaps.
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Found non new articles in news sitemap

Code: sitemap_publicationDate_recent
News items older than 48 hours should not be included in news sitemap, with reference to <news:publication_date>.
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<news:publication> tag not found

Code: sitemap_publication_notNull
All <news:news> nodes within a news sitemap must have a <news:publication> tag. Some elements have been found without one.
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<news:name> tag not found

Code: sitemap_publication_name_notNull
All <news:news> nodes within a news sitemap must have a <news:name> tag. Some elements have been found without one.
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<news:language> tag not found

Code: sitemap_publication_lang_notNull
All <news:news> nodes within a news sitemap must have a <news:language> tag. Some elements have been found without one.
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<news:language> format is not valid

Code: sitemap_publication_lang_format
<news:language> tag within the <news:publication> node must be valid with respect to the ISO 639 language code
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<news:publication_date> tag not found

Code: sitemap_publicationDate_notNull
All <news:news> nodes within a news sitemap must have a <news:publication_date> tag. Some elements have been found without one.
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<news:publication_date> format is not valid

Code: sitemap_publicationDate_date_format
<news:publication_date> tag within the <news:publication> node must be valid with respect to the W3C Format (ISO 8601)
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<news:title> tag not found

Code: sitemap_title_notNull
All <news:news> nodes within a news sitemap must have a <news:title> tag. Some elements have been found without one.
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Multiple <news:news> tags found inside same node

Code: sitemap_news_unique
<news:news> tag within each url node must be unique. More than one <news:news> element inside the <url> node have been found.
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Sitemap XML parsing failed

Code: sitemap_parse
Sitemaps should be formatted in XML. It has not been possible to correctly parse the sitemaps listed below, their XML formatting should be reviewed.
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Sitemap XXX response

Code: sitemap_XXX
Request to sitemaps declared in Google Search Console should always result in a 200 HTTP response. For the cases listed below, request resulted in a XXX (response code description)

Connection timed out

Code: sitemap_connectionTimeout
The system has received a timeout when trying to connect to these URLs.

Received an empty response

Code: sitemap_emptyResponse
The system has not been able to trace the content of these pages as they are apparently blank. Please double-check to ensure this is the expected behavior.

Connection failed

Code: sitemap_connectionFailed
The system has not been able to validate the information in these URLs.

Multiple redirections

Code: sitemap_multipleRedirection
The web server has returned a redirection status code (300 to 399) for a location that had already been redirected. Canonical URL redirections should not be chained.

Redirection to unavailable location

Code: sitemap_unavailableAfterRedirection
URL responds with a redirection HTTP code (3XX) and a “location” header pointing to some different URL which in turn returns an invalid code (4XX, 5XX).

Publish date does not match with the one declared in sitemap

Code: sitemap_publicationDate_matches_editorial_sd
Publish date found in article does not match with the one found in the news sitemap the article is featured in.

Title does not match with the one declared in sitemap

Code: sitemap_title_matches_editorial_sd
Title found in article does not match with the one found in the news sitemap the article is featured in.

Article not present in sitemap

Code: canonical_url_found_in_sitemap
The article’s canonical url has not been found in any news sitemap declared in Google Search Console for this domain. It is relevant to ensure that all news articles are present in a news article right when they are published.

Url found in sitemap is not canonical

Code: sitemap_url_is_canonical
Non canonical urls have been found in the listed sitemaps, which can undermine their utility for search engines.