Raw Data Exports

Data model columns

Name Data type Description
user_id String unique user id generated by Marfeel

Example: 61cadeab-5671-42a0-a677-7806fd3dfa3c
registered_user_id string Provided user_id via setSiteUserId() sdk method
user_status integer Id of the stage of user in the User Journey.

· 0,1: Anonymous
· 2: Registered
· 3: Subscriber
· 4: Custom statuses
rfv integer RFV multiplied by 100. See docs for more information.
has_consent boolean true if the user gave consent.
session_id string Unique session id
page_id string Unique page id
site_id integer Marfeel account Id
editorial_id integer unique id identifying the article
editorial_title string title of the article
editorial_publish_time timestamp Editorial publish date as specified on its structure data.

Example: 2022-06-08 16:49:48
editorial_update_time timestamp Editorial last update date as specified on its structure data.

Example: 2022-06-10 09:25:47
sections_array string Sections detected on the structure data or mrf:sections.

Example: [‘International’, ‘Politics’]
authors_array string Authors detected on the structure data or mrf:authors.

Example: [‘Author 1’, ‘Author 2’]
entities_array string NLP extracted entities
tags_array string Array of tags.

Example: [‘Tag1’,‘Tag2’]
page_type integer Page technology. Possible values:
· 0: Web
· 1: AMP
· 2: FBIA
· 3: iOS App
· 4: Android app
· 5: Flowcard
· 7: App
start_time timestamp Timestamp in UTC of the first hit.

Example: 2022-06-10 10:05:37
end_time timestamp Timestamp in UTC of the last hit on a page. i.e: last scroll event.

Example: 2022-06-10 10:05:43
event_date date Simple date of the event. Useful for data partitioning.

Example: 2022-06-10
event_local_time timestamp Same value of end_time in the local timezone of the account.
ip_v4 string IP of the user. When has_consent = 0 the last octet of the IP is replaced with XXX.
Example: 172.58.129.xxx
ip_v6 string
user_country string Country of the user in ISO Alpha-2 code.

Example: US, UK, ES, CO, AR, US, etc
user_region string User regions as provided by GeoIP2 City database.

Example: Catalonia, New South Wales, Sao Paulo
user_city string User city as provided by GeoIP2 City database.

Example: Barcelona, Sydney, Franca
operating_system string

Example: Android, Windows, Macintosh, iPhone, iPad, Linux
user_agent string Complete user-agent of the request.
full_url string Complete url of the request.
canonical_url string Canonical url as identified by <link rel="canonical" href="">
referrer string Referrer of the request.

· https://www.google.com/
· android-app://com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/
· https://lm.facebook.com/
browser string Name of the browser.

· Chrome
· Safari
· AppleWebKit
browser_version string Version of the browser.

Example: 100.0.4896.127
device_category integer Possible values:
· 0: Desktop
. 1: Mobile
· 2: Tablet
url_params string Query string of the request
search_phrase string
client_event_time timestamp
utm_source string
utm_medium string
utm_campaign string
utm_content string
utm_term string
duration integer Number of seconds the user has been on the page. end_time - start_time.
scroll integer Percent of page scroll
dns_timing integer
connect_timing integer
response_start_timing integer
fetch_timing integer
dom_interactive_timing integer
dom_content_loaded_timing integer
dom_complete_timing integer
fcp_timing integer
PageVars string

Example: {“key”:“value”, “key2”:“value2”}
SessionVars string

Example: {“key”:“value”, “key2”:“value2”}
UserVars string

Example: {“key”:“value”, “key2”:“value2”}
has_web_vitals boolean
lcp integer
fid integer
cls integer
recirculation_source string
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